The National Union of Ghana Students in the early hours of today 5th June,2024 has written to the electoral commission on the establishment of vote transfer centers on the various tertiary institutions. This comes as a result of having most of our registered student voters who will be unable to vote in their designated pursuits due to their educational pursuit.
National Union of Ghana Students is the official representative body for all Ghanaian students, from basic to
postgraduate level, both locally and internationally, NUGS is made up of six blocks, representing over 12.5
million students. Our primary goal is to advocate for the welfare and interests of Ghanaian students, while
actively working with relevant stakeholders to promote quality and accessible education, regardless of ethnic,
social, or religious consideration.
As you may be aware, many of our members are currently studying in various institutions across the country,
far from their hometowns. Many students during this period are writing their mid-semester exams, final year
students are also on the field heavily conducting researches for their final project works, the financial burden on
students to commute between their former place of voting and current campuses is also a huge problem
considering the economic situation in the country. We stand with students in all their plights and we know how
inconvenient it will be for them.
We believe it is essential to ensure that these students can exercise their constitutional right to vote as enshrined
in the 1992 constitution of Ghana;
Article 42 which states that “Every citizen of Ghana of eighteen years or above who is of sound mind has the
right to vote”
“A person shall be registered as a voter if they are a citizen of Ghana and are of eighteen years or above”
according to Article 43 of the 1992 constitution.
We kindly request that the Electoral Commission takes the necessary steps to enable the limited transfer of
votes for our members, in accordance with the following constitutional requirements:
make regulations for the transfer of votes.”
We believe that this will ensure that our members are not disenfranchised and can fully participate in the
democratic process come December, 2024.

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