By Titus Owusu Darko, May 29, 2024.

On May 29, 2024, the National Union of Ghana Students (NUGS) led by the 57th Kyeremeh Oppong Daniel administration brought together a press conference hosting stakeholders and the media on the educational issues both in the country and the international front that tends to be relevant news for impact on the nation’s education sector. The press conference held at the Legon Accra City Campus, had 2 nut graph to be discussed.

Notably, first nut graph is the unpaid stipends for Ghanaian students in Morocco, UK, Hungary etc., where the NUGS is questioning the Scholarship Secretariat and the Foreign Affairs Ministry on their role to be played. According to the NUGS President, Kyeremeh Oppong Daniel, the unfortunate situation of Ghanaian students studying in Morocco on various Gov’t scholarships are facing dire conditions due to the non-payment of their stipends for about ten months. The president explained “ On Monday, May 24, 2024, Ghanaian students took to the streets of Rabat, Morocco to complain about their unpaid stipends, which is consequently having ravaging effects on their lives. This has been reported by Ghanaweb and we challenge all stakeholders doubting veracity, to endeavor on an authentication exercise ”. The president shared how alarming and pathetic the situation was, making NUGS fight for their educational right’s using constitutional provision anomalies like the Article 26(2) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which declares that Education shall be directed to the full development of human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights. According to the NUGS President on the response of authorities, he said “ As a matter of urgency, NUGS had engagements with the Minister of Education, Hon. Yaw Osei Adutwum, and the Chief of Staff, Mrs. Akosua Fremah Opare at the late hours of yesterday, May 28, 2024. They have assured us that, necessary are being initiated”.

Conventionally, the Students Loan Issues. The Students Loan Trust Fund that tends to be the critical lifeline for many Ghanaian students in Ghana, had numerous complaints regarding delays in the disbursement of loans and the high compounding interest rates. The NUGS President, Kyeremeh Oppong Daniel is calling the ministry of Education and tge scholarship secretariat to work on these issues.

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